Thursday, February 2, 2012

瑤柱煲雞 (我媽咪版), My Mom’s Version of Cantonese Chicken Soup

尋日有啲好似作病咁又落雪就突然間想飲雞湯補吓又解咗兩隻雞脾係雪柜雞睥肥就肥啲不過算啦飲個陣隔開啲油就得啦除咗去親戚屋企我好少去人吔屋企食飯 所以真係唔知人哋屋企啲雞湯係點不過我屋企通常都係用瑤柱煲再加少少米嚟咗美國之後,我先知台灣人煲雞湯會落冬菇,有時仲會落淹咗嘅苦瓜。不過我都係鍾意用瑤柱煲多啲。

雖然尋日想飲,但係都煲唔切,"煲湯"唔同 "滾湯", 起碼要煲兩個鐘。 記得有台灣朋友問我,咩係"老火例湯"。 其實, "老火例湯" 即係一般嘅"熬湯"用慢火長時間慢慢煲。既然煲唔切,所以就用電子瓦罉煲,今日放工就有得飲,不過的湯同瑤柱差唔多俾阿妹裝晒,剩晒啲雞同米,好似雞粥咁。

兩隻雞脾同一小舊瘦肉用薑蔥出水五分鐘,凍水洗淨。電子瓦罉放入已出水雞脾同瘦肉,四分一杯洗好瑤柱(可以唔浸,因為煲好耐)同四分一杯米。大概放11.5 L凍水。用Low78個鐘。飲個陣加鹽。

For those who doesn't read Chinese, here is my mom's recipe on Cantonese Chicken Soup (Cantonese soup is usually broth, you can have it before or after your meal):

Boil 2 chicken legs and 1 small piece of pork with 1 stalk of green onion and a small piece of ginger (about 1) for 5 minutes. Wash the chicken legs and pork with cold water. Place into the slow cooker. Add ¼ cup washed dry scallop and ¼ cup rice. Add 1 to 1.5 L water (enough to cover all the ingredients). Cook at low for 7-8 hours. Add salt to taste when serve. 

Happy Blogging Vee

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