Monday, September 12, 2011

中秋節 (Mid-Autumn Festival)

Mid-Autumn Festival. Best day of the year to have a good view of the moon and eating one of my favorite Chinese pastry, moon cake (月餅). This is a family festival. The entire family should get together enjoying the view of moon and this special pastry. Unfortunately, I am oversea and only with my younger sister. But I still enjoying the moon cake and the moon very much!

Got a box of the Cantonese style moon cakes from the Chinese market couple weeks ago. Not quite know which brand to pick as they don't have any brand from Macau. So, pick the one from a famous restaurant from Guangzhou and it didn't disappoint me. Cantonese moon cake is quite sweet and heavy, definitely not good for your body. The most common filling are dried egg yolk with lotus paste contain lard, which is my favorite filling for moon cake. I've been self controlling myself to only have one small piece a day. They are so yummy! I don't know if the moon cakes from other region of China is healthier such as the Taiwanese one, which is very similar to the taro pastry. According to my co-work from Beijing, the moon cake fillings from the Beijing region would contain fruit. Sound likes healthier. Anyway, 中秋節快樂! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Happy Blogging - Vee

Traditional packaging of Cantonese moon cake.
Cantonese moon cake.
A close look of the yummy inside!

Forgot to upload, this was how beautiful the moon was on Saturday!

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