Saturday, October 22, 2011


Just back to the States from home on Tuesday and I am already seriously homesick. Been living in the States for a long long time. Long enough that I don't know where is my true "home" anymore. I never really have homesick before. But after this trip, I am feeling it. I am missing my parents, family, friends and everything from home! Almost turn into tears several times when I think of my family and friends in the past couple days. Good that I hold myself up; otherwise, I don't know when I would stop crying. Well, I'd better find a way to enjoy myself here again as I am living here now. Till then, I think I will still think of home everyday. I hope I will feel better soon.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! We just flew in from Japan on Saturday, too. I totally know what you mean by you don't know where your home is, though having a family really makes me think that wherever we are, the home to me is where my addie and hubbie are. But the first thing I noticed when I came back was how bad the food tasted. I am missing the Japanese food so badly!! Let's go get something yummy soon :)
