Sunday, February 27, 2011

In The Search of Tea Room at SLC (Part I)

Afternoon tea at Betty's
I fall in love with afternoon tea since my trip to UK last fall. My friend brought me to a popular and historical tea room at Yorkshire called Betty's Cafe Tea Room, which was established on 1919. That was not the first time I had afternoon. I had it several times before back home but they weren't impressive. 

Thinking about the day I had afternoon eat at Betty's, my friend & I weren't sure if we would have time for tea as she planned a tight schedule for me. But thanks to the raining weather in UK, it rained like cats and dogs right at the moment we passed by Betty's. It wasn't the tea, the scone, fruit tarts or the cute little sandwiches I missed. It was the relaxing afternoon break I spend with my good friend I missed the most.

Living in Salt Lake City, looking for tea room has certain level of difficulty as some part of the population do not drink tea. After I did my homework, there are only 3 tea rooms in the Salt Lake area. With the beautiful sun shine this Sunday afternoon, I went to try one of them.

The tea room I went is the Elizabeth's Bakery & Tea Shop. I love the place at first sight. The interior design is adorable (in a girl point of view). Most importantly, they have a good amount of tea varieties and comes in as the British way - a pot of tea. I order the Sakura Blossom tea and the Almond Slide. They were fantastic! The tea is light with a trace of the Sakura scent at the end. The Almond Slide is also light but with good amount of almond favor (not too strong that you know it artificial) and I can taste the custard in it. My friend ordered the cheese scone. It was good as well, soft and still moist in the center. In addition, they also offer some traditional British snack such as mince pie, steak and onion pie and beans on toast. I definitly will visit them again to try out those. It just too bad that they didn't serve the traditional afternoon tea (the one with the 3-tier serving rack)!

Elizabeth's Bakery & Tea Shop
Beautiful Interior
Cozy Seating
Sakura Blossom Tea
Almond Slide

Until I try the other two tea places, I can't really make any conclusion on which tea room is the best but the Elizabeth's Bakery & Tea Shop definity wins my heart!

Happy Blogging -Vee

1 comment:

  1. Hey, those are pretty nice pictures at the tea shop!Good job!! That place was nice. We should stop by again after climbing :)
