Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First Time Climbing Outdoor

Just back from my first outdoor climbing!!! Thanks to my co-worker!!! I didn't think he will actually bring me outdoor. Saved $240 (I will get into this more when I post my Zion trip). Climbing outdoor is completely different than climbing at the gym.

We went to the Big Cottonwood Canyon after work. I was so unprepared. I only brought my climbing shoes and chalk bag as he instructed me. But I didn't know we needed to hike a bit (for me it's some advance hike) to get to the wall. I didn't bring a backpack. So, I ended up carrying some of the gear and put my climbing shoes, chalk bag and water bottle into their backpack. I had to leave my camera in the car. So, I don't have any picture to share. Sorry! :(

I did two very easy 5.5 routes but failed in the last route which estimate rating as a 5.8. It took me couple tries to get the first move on the 5.8 route and I learn what is "Elvis Leg", which perfectly described my right leg at that moment. I went up a bit higher but fail to continuous because 1) it was a bit challenging, 2) I was getting hungry, 3) I would like my co-worker's friend to finish that route before the sky turned dark.

Hiking down was hard as it was almost completely dark. For me, it's more like climbing down than hiking. I had to crawl on all the some sort lose rocks. Anyway, I did come down safe. Next time I will be more prepared! If I want to keep climbing outdoor, I definitely need to get some more gear such as harness, helmet, rope, quickdraws, etc. Oh yea, and a climbing partner. Till then, I will stick to the gym and get better climbing skills! By the way, I did take a picture right before we were driving back but I don't think you can see anything. Now, I am tired. So, good night!

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