Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day Long Weekend

For those who live in US, this weekend is the President's Day weekend. Talking about long weekend, I am not a big fan of it. Sounds silly, huh? Who doesn't like an extra day off? For me, I don't feel a difference between the normal weekend and the long weekend, except, if I am out of town. But I am out of idea for places to travel within 3 days. I definitely enjoy a longer break more.

Did a quick search about President's Day. It is actually a federal holiday honoring the first president of the United States, George Washington. It was originally celebrated on George Washington's birthday, February 22nd. Later on, it was shifted to the third Monday in February. Here it is, a long weekend no longer related to President Washington's birthday nor President Lincoln's birthday (February 12th) but a holiday involving lots of sales and shopping (at least for me).

C.J. rapping on the stage
With the extra day off, I got the chance to hang out with my little sister and friends, cook and shop. Which is nice. Saw C.J. Miles at a night club (in case you don't know who he is, he is a Utah Jazz player). Conclusion? He is tall, loves to be the D.J. and rap. I did have fun even the D.J. was not very good and I didn't drink (somebody gotta be the designated driver). It is always good to hang out with my sis and friends.

I was so tired the next day and only did some light stuffs - shopping (mostly grocery shopping). I've been looking for the chance to go to the farmer market. I always brought fresh bread from a bakery, Volker's Bakery, at the farmer market during summer. I can only get their bread from the farmer market as they don't have a store. They only made bread for those Park City ski resorts. I miss their bread so much since winter comes. I finally got it! A loaf of dill and cottage cheese bread. Yum~~~ After the farmer market, I got so excited and keep grocery shopping at the Indian market. Get some curry mix and great snacks, samosa (the common deep fried potato Indiana snack) and soan papdi (some sort of Indian sweet). The snacks were great together with the white temper tea (gift from a good friend) for a nice afternoon tea break. I continued my taste bud advanture by making the Haleem masala for dinner using the spice I got from the market.

Dill cottage cheese bread from Volker's Bakery

Close up on the soan papdi, yum!
Haleem Masala for dinner

More shopping the next day but for my essential thing only - climbing shoes. My original budget was about $100 but I got it less than $60. Thanks to the REI clearance sale! I was planning to go boudlering after getting the shoes. Unfortunately, my boudlering buddy couldn't find a right pair. So, we have to call it off. Instead of bouldering, I baked macaroon again. I still got hollow center!!! Gotta try it again some other time. Hopefully, I can blog about my macaroon story one day. Even the macaroon is hallow, I still enjoy them as breakfast the next morning along with the Cafe con Leche I made (coffee with milk in Spanish way). It is how amazing the simple step by heating the milk before adding to the coffee can made a big different in taste.

My new climbing shoes
My pretty macaroon but they are still hollow!

Cafe con Leche for breakfast
Alright, long weekend is almost gone. Gotta enjoy the remaining of the night.

Happy blogging - Vee


  1. Hi Mayberry Bear or should I call you Vee??

    You seemed to have a very nice weekend!
    I miss hanging out in the park city, and the rest of SLC.

    I enjoy looking at the pictures and reading your blog :)

    Btw, how did you make Cafe Leche?

    Look forward to reading more stories ;)


  2. Hello Ai,

    I am glad that you like my blog. I am working on better quality picture for the blog. The Cafe Leche is very easy to make. I will post the instruction later (gotta get better pictures before I post).

    -Vee (hehe, I get I like Vee better)
